Who We Are

Revd Ashley Trask (also known as Imtiaz)

We are a team who love God and hold on to the teachings of God's word.   For a number of years Revd Ashley Trask  has ministered in South Asia, to help, encourge and support spiritually, and practically those who are suffering in all kinds of ways. His passion and desire is to care for God's people as God has cared for him. It's the love of God that has called him and inspired him to serve and help God’s people to know how deep the love of God is.  C4GP want to help all people who are spiritually and morally downcast and struggling in their lives.  With your  love and help, we hope to encourage and support those in need of help spiritually and practically. 


Revd Ashley Trask believes God has called him, and the team he ministers with, to share to all people the wonderful and glorious message of the Gospel, revealed in God's Word and demonstrated in the life of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.  

C4GP Leadership Team

We wouldn't be able to Care 4 God's People without the continued support, guidance, prayer and leadership of these amazing people.

Director of C4GP Ministries Pakistan

I am Pastor Afzal Masih. I was born in 08 April 1977.

I studied at theological college from 2000 to 2004 and completed my Master's in Divinity. And in 2004 I was ordained as a full-time Minister with the Presbyterian Church. I am married and have two boys. Since 2008 I have been Deputy Director to a ministry that helps God's people spiritually through teaching and prayer.

I met Revd Ash when he came to preach at my Church. Since then we have become great friends and together we share God's Word.  I am very happy and glad to serve the Lord Jesus Christ as director of C4GP ministries in Pakistan  under the leading and guidance of Revd Ashley Trask


Patsy has known her Saviour, Jesus Christ since a young child. When the family was in great danger from the Japanese Army in 1941, she first learned to fully trust that God answers prayer. Patsy understands what it is like to be a refugee, and to flee to another country.


She loves the Far Eastern people and Africans, having known many as she was growing up.  She has helped as a volunteer in various Christian ministries, Church House-Groups, Sunday Schools, Prayer Ministries, Hospitals, and with homeless people.  She has written a couple of books. Her heart goes out to all those suffering persecution, and longs to help them.


One of her main interests is  South Asia, and earnestly prays for those who are going through difficult times. Patsy longs for many to come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and that they will be filled with the Holy Spirit and get to know God with the joy and assurance of Eternal Life.


 I met Ashley a few years ago. His disarming mischievous nature, big heart, deep and courageous faith, and his passion for God's people, was immediately apparent. It is my pleasure to support C4GP Ministry through prayer and in administrative ways when needed. Over the years I have developed a deep heart for God's people who struggle and suffer in life or do not yet know Jesus. I have been a Christian for 21 years, and love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind, and I am thankful for His presence with me always. 

Colin King

Colin became a Christian as a boy, was confirmed in his faith at the age of 12 and was then baptised as a believer in 1985.


He joined a Christian mission  in 2000 after 30 years in banking; worked alongside Revd Ashley Trask for 16 years, and also visited Christians suffering in a number of countries.


After his banking career, he has been involved in Christian leadership, firstly in the local church, then within a Christian ministry. He is married to a former nurse, and they have three adult children and five grandchildren. His activities and interests include DIY and cycling.  He can frequently be found supporting two grandsons at their football matches.


Audrey’s grandparents came to the UK at the turn of the last century, to escape the massacre of the Jews in Russia. They settled in Scotland, where she was brought up.

As a teenager, she questioned, why the world and people, were made. She longed for a personal relationship with God. Having married a Christian, she was baptised and confirmed in 1960. It was not however until 1987, before she encountered the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Living in the Diocese of Rochester in Kent, she trained in the Church as a Pastoral Assistant, and later as an Evangelist, and is proactive in both areas. She loves to reach out by sharing the good news of Jesus.

Audrey has known Ashley for some time. She has been actively involved in a  Prayer Support team for his work in South Asia, and believes strongly in the value of prayer behind Revd Ashley Trask work and witness there. 

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